In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import scipy.signal as sps
from import read as wavread

from IPython.display import Audio

Overlap-add filtering in Python

Developing the code to perform overlap-add filtering in Python. Reference will be scipy.signal.lfilter and if needed, scipy.signal.fftconvolve. We begin by loading a test signal and then designing a filter as reference.

In [2]:
fs, testsig = wavread('item_01_MA.wav')
Audio(data=testsig, rate=fs)


In [3]:
L_I = 1000

testfilt = sps.firwin(L_I, [300, 3300], nyq=fs/2, pass_zero=False)

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1c152fbbe0>]

Now we filter the test signal by the reference filter, and display it.

In [4]:
%timeit sps.lfilter(testfilt, [1, ], testsig)
result1 = sps.lfilter(testfilt, [1, ], testsig)
Audio(data=result1, rate=fs)

239 ms ± 2.77 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

Overlap-add filter setup

$L_I$ is the lenght of the impulse response, $L_F$ is the lenth of the FFT, $L_S = L_F - L_I + 1$ is the length of the signal that can be filtered in one shot. Now we need to figure out into how many sections the input needs to be split; range can do that for us, giving the block offsets at the same time.

In [5]:
L_F = 2<<(L_I-1).bit_length()
L_S = L_F - L_I + 1
FDir = np.fft.rfft(testfilt, n=L_F)

L_sig = testsig.shape[0]
offsets = range(0, L_sig, L_S)

print('FFT size {}, filter segment size {}, overall signal length {}.'.format(L_F, L_S, L_sig))

FFT size 2048, filter segment size 1049, overall signal length 436081.

Now do the actual filtering; perform separately the per-block FFT and multiplication by the filter, then reassemble the output signal by addition.

In [6]:
tempresult = [np.fft.irfft(np.fft.rfft(testsig[n:n+L_S], n=L_F)*FDir) for n in offsets]
result2 = np.zeros(L_sig+L_F)
for i, n in enumerate(offsets):
    result2[n:n+L_F] += tempresult[i]
result2 = result2[:L_sig]

Finally, plot the difference and compute the signal-to-noise ratio.

In [7]:
print('SNR is {}.'.format(10*np.log10(np.sum(result1**2)/np.sum((result1-result2)**2))))

SNR is 298.7913825325778.

Overlap-add function

Now wrap the whole thing up as a function similar to lfilter.

In [8]:

<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x1c1534c588>

In [9]:
%timeit olafilt(testfilt, testsig)
result3 = olafilt(testfilt, testsig)
print('SNR is {}.'.format(10*np.log10(np.sum(result1**2)/np.sum((result1-result3)**2))))

88.1 ms ± 1.89 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
SNR is 298.7913825325778.

Given test parameters, result appears to be about twice as fast as scipy.signal.lfilter. Now let's also compare to scipy.signal.fftconvolve.

In [10]:
%timeit sps.fftconvolve(testfilt, testsig)
result4 = sps.fftconvolve(testfilt, testsig)
result4 = result4[:result1.shape[0]]

148 ms ± 14.7 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

In [11]:
print('SNR is {}.'.format(10*np.log10(np.sum(result1**2)/np.sum((result1-result4)**2))))

SNR is 289.74251606103405.

Test the transfer of the filter state to a following block. A small numerical error is allowed.

In [12]:
zi = np.array([0])
splitpoint = L_sig//2
result5_part1, zi = olafilt(testfilt, testsig[:splitpoint], zi)
result5_part2, zi = olafilt(testfilt, testsig[splitpoint:], zi)
result5 = np.hstack((result5_part1, result5_part2))
print('Average RMSE full signal processing vs partial processing:', 

Average RMSE full signal processing vs partial processing: 9.505950805049915e-16
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x10e7f1630>]

Now test the processing of complex filters.

In [13]:
cfilt = sps.hilbert(testfilt)
result1c = sps.lfilter(cfilt, [1, ], testsig)
result3c = olafilt(cfilt, testsig)
print('SNR is {}.'.format(10*np.log10(np.sum(np.abs(result1**2))/np.sum(np.abs((result1-result3)**2)))))

SNR is 298.7913825325778.

In [14]:
%timeit sps.lfilter(cfilt, [1, ], testsig)

1.17 s ± 91.5 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

In [15]:
%timeit olafilt(cfilt, testsig)

154 ms ± 13.8 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

In [16]:
%timeit sps.fftconvolve(cfilt, testsig)

280 ms ± 24.6 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)